About Me

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My name is Lesli Hyland. In my fifty three years on this earth, my home and my heart have been graced with the company of twenty eight dogs. Many came to me as seniors. All of them taught me something and helped determine the course of my life. I became a dog trainer because of them. I met my friends because of them. My husband and I are are forever bonded by our mutual connection to them. Currently, as a Dog Walker I have access to other people's dogs and I am allowed to experience their unique personalities. The dogs make me a better person by forcing me to closely examine my motivation, my actions and my choices. Everything I do affects their behavior, safety and happiness. It is an awesome responsibility. The dogs keep me honest.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Time for breakfast

My dogs are patient.  They know I need coffee and computer time to wake myself up in the morning.  They settle around Brian and I in the office...under our desks...on our laps...on the dog beds...and wait. 

But apparently, Mamacita has had enough.  She just jumped off my lap and is giving me THIS look!

Okay, MC.  Time for breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute. We do the opposite here...breakfast for the dogs first, and THEN Nick and I get our quiet time. :-)
